Trim & Fit

Looking for that extra nudge to dig into old fat stores, produce energy and get moving? At the end of this Journey you’ll have energy to be active, see results from weight loss activities, lose weight from the hips, thighs, face, arms, and begin to feel and look like that real you!

How to score your quiz: This 10 question quiz works to find your suitability for this Health Journey!

You grade each question from a 0 to 3 score: Disagree (0) means you don’t have the symptoms described. Somewhat (1) means that you partially or minimally experience the symptom. Agree (2) means you mostly agree with the stated symptoms. Strongly Agree (3) means that you often and strongly experience the described symptom. 

Your final score will determine how much of a match this Health Journey is for you.

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A month's supply of 6 Clinical-Grade Supplements targeted to optimize healthy body composition and support adipose tissue utilization.
You Rate This Symptom 0
Disagree = 0
Strongly Agree = 3
You Rate This Symptom 0
Disagree = 0
Strongly Agree = 3
You Rate This Symptom 0
Disagree = 0
Strongly Agree = 3
You Rate This Symptom 0
Disagree = 0
Strongly Agree = 3
You Rate This Symptom 0
Disagree = 0
Strongly Agree = 3
You Rate This Symptom 0
Disagree = 0
Strongly Agree = 3
You Rate This Symptom 0
Disagree = 0
Strongly Agree = 3
You Rate This Symptom 0
Disagree = 0
Strongly Agree = 3
You Rate This Symptom 0
Disagree = 0
Strongly Agree = 3
You Rate This Symptom 0
Disagree = 0
Strongly Agree = 3
Quiz Score

Questions about your score? Talk to a Journey Advisor! 

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Talk to a Functional Medicine Practitioner about which Health Journey fits your needs!