Length: Maintain

Injuries & Pain


Stable Energy

Confidence & Libido


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Why Forver Young?

This Journey is for all those Foxes trying to age healthier, look better and take a drink from the fountain of youth! Aging is a natural process that can be some of the best and wisest years of your life – unfortunately for some, it can be years of increasing pain and discomfort. The trick isn’t to “stop aging”, but to age gracefully and softly while encouraging the same healthy processes that occurred when you were young. 

Forever Young Journey will work with you to bolster your body’s natural defense against aging related inflammation and cellular dysfunction. Supporting longevity in terms of brain cognition, inflammation/pain in joints and muscles, reducing toxic build up from years of metabolic dysfunctions, increasing energy, supporting healthy stress responses and overall nutritional status. Aging is normal, feeling bad as you age isn’t!

How it Works...


Take a brief 2-3 minute quiz to determine compatibility with a specific Health Journey, or if you know your health goals already, just choose "Start a Journey."!


After you've purchased a Health Journey, you'll receive a month's supply of 6 Clinical-Grade Supplements (more if you chose a boost) that will work both directly and indirectly on your current health goals.


Stay on task with health & results tracking with Human ™ app. Go more in depth with Tailored Fox's direct to client home tests, for simple yet thorough metabolic tests. Lastly, try our simple yet effective lifestyle & dietary habit suggestions to optimize your health goals. 


Finally, some Health Journeys aren't intended to be continued indefinitely such as Trim & Fit or Detoxify & Clear - or maybe your health goals just changed. Try another Health Journey, for specific support or longer term maintenance.

Free USA Shipping
A month's supply of 6 Clinical-Grade Supplements targeted to support healthy aging, youthful energy and optimized hormones.

Product Line-Up

Botanical Blend, Tribulus, Tongkat Ali
Herbal & Proteolytic Enzyme Synergy
Adaptogenic Herbs & Nutrients
25mg of DHEA
Liposomal NMN & TMG
Vitamin D & Vitamin K1 & K2

Targeted Approach

As we get older, our body’s ability to recover after injuries, surgeries or even just daily breakdown is greatly impacted. A feeling of “fragility” or past unhealed injuries will often lead people to workout or get outside and move less. This is in fact, the complete opposite thing we should do as we get older, since the only way to maintain muscle and bone strength/health is to continue challenging them.

Luckily, there are nutrients, herbs and enzymes that can support clearance of damaged and old tissue and accelerate repair and generation of new tissue. 


Fastly growing popularity in health circles, NAD+ levels are being touted and studied to be a sole measure for biological age. Links have even been drawn between chronic and neurological diseases with the who have low NAD+ levels.  NAD+ plays a key role in more than 500 enzymatic reactions, including energy production, metabolism, aging, gene expression, stress response, and DNA repair. The only problem is that the common form of NAD+ therapy through intravenous means takes hours and can cost thousands of dollars! 

Healthy Fox harnesses the power of NAD+ by providing the direct precursor NMN, which has been shown in research to directly increase NAD+ levels in the body. Our NMN is in a liposomal form which can not only bypass the harm of the stomach and digestive tract but be absorbed through sublingual and the mucosal membrane in the mouth. 

Every cell in your body has a receptor for hormones. How you feel is often affected by how much or little hormones you have, or what form of that hormone you’re creating (Tip: There’s good and bad forms of hormones). The trick to getting some of that youthful energy back is often to support your body’s natural hormone production, making sure the healthy form and not that bad form of the hormone is created, and supporting your body’s response to stimuli with adaptogenic herbs and nutrients.

Although every aspect of your body can benefit from healthy hormones, you’ll see a large difference in body composition, inflammation, attitude and libido. 

Inflammation is one of the biggest symptom creators in an aging person. Inflammation is a culprit of brain fog, aching joints, lacking energy, poor memory recall and simply put, just feeling old! When your body is on fire from inflammation, it can’t do its jobs! Unchecked inflammation spirals out of control, those around will chalk up your symptoms as a normal stage of “aging” and “it only gets worse”, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

Reducing the pain and flare ups are going to greatly increase your quality of life from your head to your toes. Stop the cycle now. 


Nutraceutical Super Focus

A unique proprietary blend of effective and clinically researched enzymes that contains proteases, serratiopeptidase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, antioxidants, and minerals shown to accelerate the body’s repair process caused by soft tissue injuries and/or traumas and surgical operative wounds.

The enzyme’s ability to facilitate repair and microcirculation to damaged areas of the body will greatly reduce general edema and inflammation.

L-Carnitine is found in most tissues in the body, and its most useful job is the shuttling/clearance for long chain fatty acids (the build-up of long chain fatty acids with a lack of carnitine can have highly inflammatory side effects). The important use of ALC is two-fold. First, this unique form of carnitine can pass the blood brain barrier and help in the metabolism and creation of ATP in the brain, greatly enhancing neurological performance. Secondly, The acetyl portion works as a precursor to Acetylcholine (the concentration/memory neurotransmitter).

ALC has been shown to be an important supplementation in the context of degenerative neurological diseases. Studies show that Alzheimer’s or other neurological degeneration is coupled with low carnitine synthesis and production in the brain.

Internal production of DHEA begins to gradually decline after 30 years of age. DHEA is a naturally occurring compound in the body that is converted into hormones, such as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. Supplementation is tolerated quite well in the body and may help support healthy sexual function, libido, bone health and overall well-being.

DHEA is the most safe and natural way to directly support hormone production without causing unintended side effects. 

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