Happy Belly

Length: 3 Months/ Maintain



Strong Immune

Food Sensitivities



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This is a Journey for overall better digestion, ridding yourself of any midsection bloat that won’t go away and assisting with underlying health issues that originate from the gut. There isn’t any escaping or ignoring poor digestion. Most people eat 2-3 meals a day, and the burping, stomach pain, poor bowel movements, and bloated belly is a minute by minute reminder that the gut isn’t doing its job well!

Some underlying issues that you may not even realize are related to your poor digestion are nutritional deficiencies, poor muscle growth and brain performance due to your GI not being able to break down and absorb nutrients and proteins from your foods. This Journey will begin the healing process in your GI no matter how extensive or how long you’ve been experiencing dysfunction. You’ll find meals easier to digest, certain food sensitivities may go away entirely, cravings will diminish, your stomach will become less bloated and inflamed and that post meal fog will vanish!

How it Works...


Take a brief 2-3 minute quiz to determine compatibility with a specific Health Journey, or if you know your health goals already, just choose "Start a Journey."!


After you've purchased a Health Journey, you'll receive a month's supply of 6 Clinical-Grade Supplements (more if you chose a boost) that will work both directly and indirectly on your current health goals.


Stay on task with health & results tracking with Human ™ app. Go more in depth with Tailored Fox's direct to client home tests, for simple yet thorough metabolic tests. Lastly, try our simple yet effective lifestyle & dietary habit suggestions to optimize your health goals. 


Finally, some Health Journeys aren't intended to be continued indefinitely such as Trim & Fit or Detoxify & Clear - or maybe your health goals just changed. Try another Health Journey, for specific support or longer term maintenance.

Free USA Shipping
A month's supply of 5 Clinical-Grade Supplements targeted to repair digestion and support clearance of harmful parasites and bacteria.

Product Line-Up

Botanical Blend, Black Walnut, Magnesium Caprylate
Nutrient Blend, Guduchi, Quercetin
Digestive Enzymes & HCL
Amino Acids, Botanical Blend & Minerals
Vitamin D & Vitamin K1 & K2

Targeted Approach

Reducing inflammation in the mucosal layer (thin layer of cells in your colon and intestines) is the first step to begin healing. Without a strong barrier in your gut you’ll be fighting an uphill battle every meal. A strong factor in digestive symptoms originates from this “barrier” breaking down and allowing unwanted foods and toxins to pass into your body, which in turn activates your immune system.

Not only might you be getting very little nutrients from your food due to poor digestion, but some modernly produced sticky proteins (gluten is infamously sticky like glue) remain undigested and glue themselves to the walls of your GI tract (yuck). These undigested proteins and other compounds will damage your gut and will continuously cause food sensitivity symptoms even if lifestyle changes are made.

Using specialized enzymes and pre digestive nutrients will support your digestion from stomach to colon and clear any hard to process material left in the gut.

The microbiome is composed of trillions of bacteria, viruses, parasites and other life that either work with or against you in digestion. In a normal life of consuming whole organic local unprocessed foods, fermented foods and living outdoor lifestyles we’d live at peace with this little ecosystem. But years of sugars, rancid fat, fake food, fake coloring, and microplastics have turned our GI into a warzone and have fed some pretty nasty critters.

Even after rewilding our GI with the proper food, some of these critters will refuse to go away and continue to cause havoc. That’s why using specialized and potent herbs known to remove and destroy these hard to remove critters is paramount to a healthy GI.

Nutraceutical Super Focus

Reducing inflammation in the mucosal layer (thin layer of cells in your colon and intestines) is the first step to begin healing. Zinc Carnosine in proper amounts has unique protective effects that have shown to guard against direct assault from bacteria, NSAIDs, intense exercise, lesions, erosions, and ulcers.

Each of these botanicals has a long history of successful application for digestive disorders. Supporting healthy intestinal function by coating and soothing the intestinal lining, promoting reductions in ulcers and inflamed tissue, and reducing cramping by relaxing the intestines.

One of the most powerful antagonists against intestinal parasites, bacteria, fungus and harmful viruses. With historical and scientifically proven effectiveness, a gut protocol wouldn’t be complete without this GI all-in-one cleanser. Black Walnut works against the production of inflammatory cytokines in the GI by its antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic/antiprotozoa effects.

Both of these bitter roots have strong scientific evidence against bacteria and fungal related GI issues. These roots work to alleviate intestinal inflammation and inflammatory response to foods. Most people get into a perpetual cycle of inflammatory responses to food due to poor digestion health, which spiral out of control leading to more food sensitivities, constant bloat and abdominal pains. 

Although not a solution by itself, these two root’s ability to reduce the body’s overreaction to meals coupled with repair and cleansing is a perfect combination for a GI protocol.

is this journey a match for you?

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