
Fast Results

In-Home Testing

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No Phlebotomist

Relevant Biomarkers

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why tailored fox?

This Journey is for those who want to learn more about their body! Information is power, and this is especially true when it comes to choosing your health goals and Journeys. Tailored Fox in-home testing will let you know what’s going on at the cellular level in your body, may it be metabolic, hormonal, nutritional, microbial etc..

We offer you at cost home kit testing, in a variety of options based on your health goals. We give you the power by letting you choose the group of biomarkers that fit your needs all without having to visit a lab to draw blood. When we receive your results we’ll share with you a detailed analysis educating you on what each biomarker means and what your unique results are indicating for your health.

Supporting you on your Health Journey means giving you the information and free choice for your own health decisions. We give you the relevant laboratory tests so you can learn more and decide which Health Journey fits you at the cellular level!

How it Works...


When you choose from the selection of Tailored Fox in-home tests, you'll receive an email from partnered Rupa Health to complete a payment for your test kit.


Within 24 hours of your payment your Tailored Fox test kits will be shipped, following that you will receive instructions and common FAQ's of how to conduct your at home test (saliva, urine, swab, blood spot etc.).


Once you've completed the instructions, taken your in-home samples and returned them to the lab you'll receive detailed results analysis and what your results mean for your health goals in about 7-10 days.


Lastly, Tailored Fox is designed to empower you to take your health into your own hands. It can help you assess your current health status before choosing a Health Journey, guide you in your health goals, establish a before and after taking Clinical-Grade Supplement's or simply a method for you to learn more about your body.

Targeted Approach

Antioxidants are one of the most misunderstood tools in healthy living. Making a long explanation simple, your goal should be to increase your body’s own internal antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione, coenzyme Q10 and metallothionein. 

These antioxidants will have a more holistic and potent effect on reducing inflammation, binding heavy metals, clearing built up toxic byproducts of daily life, expelling foreign toxins built up in adipose (fat) tissue, and an endless array of other health benefits

Generally, the body will bind an unwanted toxin (phase 1), transport it to the liver so enzymes can make it less harmful (phase 2), then excrete it through feces, urine sweat etc. (phase 3). The problem is that phase 1 can make a toxin even more toxic and if it isn’t processed further, will freely circulate and cause damage that results in classic symptoms of silent toxicity – chronic fatigue, brain fog, headaches, joint pain, muscle fatigue, etc.. Supporting the bodies ability to create the proper enzymes and cofactors for detoxification of these charged toxins will vastly increase health outcomes.

 Bile is a commonly overlooked factor in the proper digestion of foods and even more important as fats are becoming more accepted as something to include instead of exclude from the diet. 

The 2 general problems with poor bile excretion is firstly, if you’re including healthy fat soluble vitamins in your diet (Vitamins A, D, E, K), you’ll absorb very little if any. The other problem is a thick and poor productive bile will back up the system causing a lot of skin symptoms, poor digestion and other underlying issues that won’t resolve.

Nutraceutical Super Focus

Known as the “universal antioxidant”, Lipoic Acid is able to work within both water and fat based environments, regenerating other endogenous antioxidants in the process. A versatile and overall supportive compound that is imperative to the body’s health. 

Lastly, it has a powerful and scientifically proven binding ability with excessive metals in the body such as copper, manganese, zinc, mercury, cadmium, and iron.

An ancient medicine used in China dating over 2 centuries ago, Ox Bile works directly to support your body’s assimilation of fat soluble nutrients and digestion of fats. 

The use of ox bile also aids the body in eliminating any further toxic build up from fat soluble toxins and other compounds that are not being processed any further in the GI.

One of the most well researched compounds for Liver health. Milk Thistle is best friends with your Liver and it shows with its long list of protective effects. 

Milk Thistle has shown to regenerate hepatic cells, reduce inflammatory damage, reduce toxic effects and enzyme markers related to the liver and generally increase overall Liver performance, detoxification and bile flow.


Want to Start this journey?

Functional Health Testing

  • Metabolomix+: The Metabolomix+ combines a variety of tests to analyze key nutritional biomarkers, including organic acids, amino acids, and oxidative stress markers.
  • The Metabolomix+ Elite: Combines a variety of tests to analyze key nutritional biomarkers, including organic acids, amino acids, and oxidative stress markers. Elite add-ons: Toxic Element Clearance: This test measures urinary excretion of 20 potentially harmful toxic metals. Lastly, Bloodspot Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids: This test measures fatty acids to determine cardiovascular risk and other health factors suggesting dietary changes.
  • CardioMetabolic Profile: Early detection of cardio metabolic risk factors can support the overall wellness picture and provide effective tools for improved lifestyle and longevity.
  • *Lab tests come with a comprehensive guide and education so that you understand your results  and can take necessary action if needed!
  • GI Effects® Comprehensive Profile – 3 day:  Group of advanced stool tests that assess digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome to assist in managing gastrointestinal health. Gut microorganisms are codependent on one another, and their human host and the health of one affect the other. Symptoms can improve as identified functional inadequacies and imbalances are normalized through lifestyle, targeted dietary, and supplementation.
  • 96 IgG Food Sensitivity Panel: The 96 IgG Food Sensitivity Panel measures your body’s immune response to 96 commonly consumed foods. It can help identify to which foods you may be sensitive.
  • Celiac & Gluten Sensitivity The Celiac & Gluten Sensitivity profile looks at your body’s response to gluten by measuring the levels of specific antibodies in your blood. This helps to determine if you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
  • Intestinal Permeability AssessmentThe Intestinal Permeability Assessment measures the ability of two sugar molecules to pass through the lining of your small intestine. It is used to assess the function of your small intestinal barrier and to help diagnose malabsorption and intestinal permeability/leaky gut.
  • *Lab tests come with a comprehensive guide and education so that you understand your results  and can take necessary action if needed!
  • Weight Management Profile: This profile can help identify hormonal imbalances that may be causing weight gain, slowed metabolism, increased body fat, and food/sugar cravings
  • Elite Thyroid Profile Blood Spot: The Elite Thyroid Profile helps detect thyroid disease and assess thyroid health. It can also monitor the effectiveness of thyroid replacement therapy.
  • Essential Thyroid Profile Blood Spot:The Essential Thyroid Profile helps detect thyroid disease and assess thyroid health. It can also monitor the effectiveness of thyroid replacement therapy.
  • *Lab tests come with a comprehensive guide and education so that you understand your results  and can take necessary action if needed!
  • Comprehensive Toxic & Essential Elements Profile: The Comprehensive Toxic & Essential Elements Profile measures the levels of several toxic and nutrient elements in your blood and urine. It provides information about your exposure to the four most toxic environmental heavy metals and any potential deficiencies in essential elements.
  • Hepatic Detox Profile: The Hepatic Detox Profile measures two substances in your urine to help determine how well your liver can eliminate toxins. It can also provide information about your exposure to certain chemicals and potential liver damage.

*Lab tests come with a comprehensive guide and education so that you understand your results  and can take necessary action if needed!

  • Comprehensive Female Profile II: The Comprehensive Female Profile II looks at your sex, adrenal, and thyroid hormones to determine if there are any imbalances. These hormone systems work in harmony; an imbalance in one system affects the balance of the others.
  • Comprehensive Male Profile II: The Comprehensive Male Profile II looks at your sex, adrenal, and thyroid hormones to determine if there are any imbalances. These hormone systems work in harmony; an imbalance in one system affects the balance of the others.
  • Saliva Profile I – female/male: The Saliva Profile I measures the levels of four hormones in your saliva. It also looks at your morning cortisol levels. This test can help identify any imbalances in your hormones, which can affect your overall health.
  • Adrenocortex Stress Profile: The Adrenocortex Stress Profile is a saliva test that measures your levels of cortisol and DHEA. It helps you understand your body’s natural rhythm and if there are any imbalances in your HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis.

*Lab tests come with a comprehensive guide and education so that you understand your results  and can take necessary action if needed!

  • Neurotransmitters: This profile measures the levels of certain neurotransmitters (chemicals that can affect your brain health) in your body. It can help identify imbalances in your neurotransmitters that may be causing issues such as mood disorders, sleep problems, and attention issues.
    *Lab tests come with a comprehensive guide and education so that you understand your results  and can take necessary action if needed!

Free 15 Minute Consult!

Talk to a Functional Medicine Practitioner about which Health Journey fits your needs!